Wednesday, 24 October 2012

learning letters

Because of her fear of the bath, particularly her buddies going down the drain, I now have a shower with Flora every day. To pass this joyous time, we now work on her letters, at least the ones that I have found in the mess of toys that we have downstairs. Not much time has gone into this so I am dead impressed at how quickly she is catching on!


Flora likes to "swim" on the floor at home. It is hilarious. Guilt induced, I now take them to the pool at least once a week...

Thursday, 20 September 2012

fall days and trips to "far away"

And here is a little story for Grandad in England. Flora often asks where people are or what they are doing, like "where's grama/pike/tom/holly etc etc" or "what grandad/grampa/dad/etc doing?", The other day she asked me "where's Grandad? I want to see Grandad" and I said "I'm sorry, sweetheart, he lives far away" and she replied "I want to go far away"!

Monday, 17 September 2012

potty training

We did it! After surprisingly little effort, I managed to potty train Flora. She now has the cutest little knicker bum I have ever seen. However, she may have gained a pound from all the chocolate I used to bribe her onto the potty....

Sunday, 16 September 2012

twinkle twinkle little star

It has been a terribly long time since my last post. Here as a sweet video of lovely Flora singing to cheer you all up!

Monday, 6 August 2012

Flora has Grandma and Grandad over from England!

I can’t believe how much she has changed over the last couple of weeks. She is really talking more and more in sentences – we hear a lot of “what are doing grandad/mumma/dad/grandma?” “See you later” “Have fun!” “I go poop” “I need that!” etc etc. She must be sick of us asking her what color things are because tonight at the dinner table she said “what color is ‘or shirt, grandad?”

I say to Holly "look, eye candy!", decide I am clever and aim to take a picture of flora...Rich's look says it all and so did he "I know what you are doing!"

Wednesday, 25 July 2012

"i hide"

Flora keeps trying to crawl into cupboards, I think because at Gramma and Grampa's there is an awesome space to get into that she likes to take over. Unfortunately we don't really have a suitable cupboard for her to sit in. She has gotten creative and now tells me "i hide", I try not to let on that I can see her....

Tuesday, 24 July 2012

going camping

I was going to add a description to this video but after watching it back again, I realize I have somewhat annoyingly repeated everything Flora has said to me. So, here she is, off camping.

Saturday, 21 July 2012

Flora, Pike and Boone go on adventures

A perfectly pleasant day out at the farm yesterday. We had a walk down by the river, ate a picnic lunch, saw a dead fish, picked rocks, rode the gator and enjoyed some cousin time!

Flora keeps a firm grip on the handle AT ALL TIMES.

I really like these two pics but wish I had realized there was a can of bug spray right in the shot! A more dedicated photographer would crop the truck out from the top of the picture and magically erase the spray. I am not that person.

Flora, still holding on for dear life.