Saturday, 29 March 2014


 This talented young girl spends a lot of time drawing, below are some pictures for you to enjoy!
A dinosaur on the far left, sunshine, pig, flowers etc.

A princess

A princess and a pig. She recently started drawing them from the side like that. It was after a friend of my folks drew her a picture from that angle. The black line down her pig drawings indicate that they are a saddleback pig, her favorite breed! 

A tiger. She draws them because her best bud Boone loves them. 

I like this one because she is holding Nini. 

Again, Nini is in her hand.

Another Nini one. What a love story that is! Also, we figure that the line up to her hair is the parting...?

A beautiful Christmas tree in this one.

A bird

A flower added to this family portrait and a turtle in green beside it. 

A princess, me, Rich, Flora, Iris and Nini, Bunini and Baby Bunini, a pig and a cat! 

A picture of her and her dad. 

catching flies

 This little one wants to catch flies. She seems to go through little periods of time where it is obviously most comfortable to let her jaw drop and adopt a somewhat gormless look.
She caught a nasty bug from Flora this week and had a terrible cough and snotty nose. Poor thing has had it pretty rough! Today, thankfully, she seems to be nearly finished with it.
She is a cuddly thing and gives nice hugs which make me forgive her for the lack of sleep she has caused! 

 Flora doesn't like getting her picture taken at the moment so spends time running around asking me if I caught her. It is tricky!