Happy Birthday Flora!!! I can’t believe that my baby is one today.
We are having a big party tomorrow with all of Flora’s Canadian friends and family so today was a quieter celebration. Tom, Flora and I went to the pool for a swim and Flora practiced going fully under the water. I think it frightens me more than it frightens her! She had lots of hugs for Tom and he was a great cousin and willingly obliged. She got a nice treat tonight and ate some onion rings from Dairy Queen, her first taste of fast food grease. We got to talk to her Grandma and Grandad in England and when she finally got the hang of web chatting she was kissing the screen and poking at their faces! Was pretty cute when she looked behind the screen to see where the rest of their bodies were!
Somewhat stressed about entertaining 30ish people tomorrow although I am looking forward to properly celebrating this brilliant little love.
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