Thursday, 31 May 2012

a "real fire"

We had a nice walk by the river yesterday afternoon. Tom was very excited to see his first “real fire”. A small tractor had somehow started a rather large blaze and we got to watch from the other side of the river as the firemen put it out! Flora just kept saying “scared”. She is such a cautious little thing.

Tuesday, 29 May 2012


We had a ridiculously busy weekend but it was filled with beer, birthdays, curry and friends so I can’t complain!
We celebrated Rich’s birthday on Saturday. It happened to fall on a lamb club night and as the couple who were supposed to host couldn’t, I ended up taking their turn and made a curry feast!
Flora and Tom painted up a storm on Thursday so that Flora could give Rich her painting for his birthday (she is actually really into calling him Rich these days, Rich is not impressed). She needed some encouragement from Tom by the end but she managed to cover the canvas in bold and beautiful colors...
Gunner’s birthday was Sunday afternoon. Luckily we weren’t at all hung over from the night before....yeah right! It was still a great time and the birthday boy was loved and spoiled like he deserved to be.

Thursday, 24 May 2012

date night with Dad, "caazy"

As I mentioned yesterday, Rich and Flora had a daddy-daughter date this weekend. Rich has sent me a few self portraits of the pair of them tucked up on the massive cushion and blanket bed they made, eating ice-cream, watching Yogi Bear and hanging out with all of Flora’s friends.

Flora has liked the song “Call Me Maybe” for a while and this seems to be based solely on me singing it because I can’t think she has heard it many times on the radio (not on in the house and in the car it is on CBC Radio 2, not the best place to search for pop hits!), poor girl! She used to do a funny highchair dance when I sang it to her and now it seems she has taken on singing it herself! She must have heard the performance on the tv while I was watching the Billboard Awards...
In case you don’t know, the lyrics are “Hey, I just met ya and this is crazy, but here’s my number. Call me, maybe”
“met a ... caaazy” Enjoy the video below!

Wednesday, 23 May 2012

 Loves her new boots from Auntie Kael. When she saw this picture just now she said “BOOTS!”

It was a long weekend here in Canada and we decided, as usual, to stick close to home and avoid the camping craziness and crowds that ALWAYS accompany the may-long weekend. Instead, we put some more work in on the garden, had some nice walks and enjoyed a peaceful weekend. Rich and Flora had a date night on Sunday when I headed to a bbq. I will add those pictures as soon as I get them from Rich, it sounded like it was a perfectly sweet evening.

I am on instagram and I often put pics on there before I get to my blog, for those of you interested my user ID is eklassen

Friday, 18 May 2012

learning abc's and first braids

Please excuse my terrible singing! (Also, Flora is calling this blanket "meats" as well, we still have no idea what she means!)