What a perfect addition to our family. Iris Ellen was born
at 7:55am on Tuesday, September 3 weighing a healthy 8 Ib6 ounces and measuring
21 long inches. She came out screaming, clearly annoyed to be disturbed from
her cozy home, but has barely shouted since! Flora is a tremendous big sister
who adoringly holds her hand, strokes her cheek and places feather-light kisses
anywhere she can. 3 weeks in and she finally started to call her “Iris” here
and there, rather than “Poison”, “Table”, “Sadie” (my girlfriends daughter!) or,
her favorite, “Iris-bo-bi-ris-so-Sadie”. Could be worse, I suppose, based on the text
my mom sent us when we were in hospital...
Flora lovingly says things like “good morning, bright eyes!”
or lets me know if “our baby needs a feed” or has “had a spit up”. All in all,
hope that things carry on as well as they have started!
Flora introducing Nini to Sylvie with a "nice to meet you!" |
Ready to go home! |
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