This is Stutter. Not sure why Flora called him that. He caused quite an uproar in the backyard last week. I looked down from Flora's room to see why all the magpies and crows were making such a fuss and sure enough, this beast was tucking into dinner. I decided to show Flora. She was fairly horrified that he was eating her second favourite animal. I thought it was a good life lesson...? She does now know that bacon comes from pigs. I asked her who told her that "Boone. But it's okay cause they are dead!". I asked her if she wanted to talk about it but she wasn't bothered, in fact she was excited that "they are inside of us!". So the circle of life continues with Stutter taking out a beloved magpie. GO STUTTER! I went right onto the back deck and he was not bothered. Flora, on the other hand, was tapping at the window and frantically motioning for me to come inside. She was worried he would eat me too.
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