We enjoyed a quick trip out to the lake with the kids. The weather was a bit rubbish to start but it did get very hot and lovely, just in time for Rich to head back to work and leave us girls behind. Thankfully Mom and Ron were there to help out because it was a very busy trip and I wouldn't have been able to manage the two girls on my own. Iris woke up with the birds at 5am nearly every morning, and Flora didn't last much longer once she realized there was movement in the campsite. Normally that would be okay however she played in the tent until 10 or 11 every night and it was definitely catching up with her! Iris obviously had to be walked to sleep for every nap (3 a day while we were there) and for her bedtime as well so between my mom and I, we must have covered a great many miles! She loved it though, so happy to be outside all day, eating rocks, exploring and observing. She was truly a happy camper. Flora spent most of her spare time at Gramma and Grandpa's and when I asked her her favourite part about camping it was exactly that, being at their site. Such a change from last year. She ran and ran and ran and didn't fall. Last year, every time she stepped onto the pavement she skinned her knees. She rode her bike and got sooooo good! Nothing compared to her boy cousins but getting so close! She loved it and didn't want to go. Even now she tells me she wishes we could live at the lake.

Uh-oh! Spotted a T-Rex in the bushes!
Nope, not a T-Rex, a Tyrannosaurus (apparently...she tells me they have three fingers)
Took to stashing food in the bushes and trees behind our site so that she could have treats for finishing.....We tried to explain that this was an especially bad idea seeing as we were in bear country!
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