Seriously, can't believe that this little one is already a whole year old. What a treasure she is! She keeps me on my toes in a way that Flora never did with her eagerness to explore and figure out new ways to bump her head. She is up the stairs every chance she gets, waving and saying "hiya" from the top when she gets there. She is always on the move, I am finding that she is happiest when she gets outside and she is able to roam around (can you say LONG WINTER?). She even took a step off the edge of a curb the other day, something Flora didn't master until she was at least two and a half! I have made the mistake of letting her out of the cart at the grocery store and I can now fully understand the reaction from a woman who looked at me in amazement when shopping with Flora and said "she just....she just
follows you?". Well, those days are gone. Iris loves to take things off the shelf, take down signs and yesterday, I turned for a split second and she was gone. I found her at the door patiently waiting to be let out, luckily she wasn't heavy enough to trigger the automatic door. She is trouble. But what a fun bit of trouble she is. She still can't resist opening and closing doors, her favourite books are Goodnight Gorilla and Goodnight Moon and her favourite things to eat are 'off the floor' and 'gone cold'.
I was really impressed she was eating a raw zucchini but when I asked her if she was enjoying it she said "hm, not really. It's disgusting."
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