Wednesday, 8 April 2015

Easter, Part 2

me: "is Boone your best friend?" flora: (eye rolling) "ugh, you know he is."

She wants to cut her hair and dye it brown. Why? Because she wants to look like Hope, from "Hope for Wildlife". It pleases me to no end that this is the sort of person she admires. I told her that she had to wait until she was older. Today she asked me how old she would be when Iris was a little kid. I said, if she meant when she was her age, that she would be seven. She said "yessss...then I will be older and I can cut my hair and make it brown".

This awesome kid is riding like a pro!

With a little help from Uncle Kev....
this determined little kid....

rode all by herself!

Easter loot!

This crazy kid. She slept through the egg hunt and when we got her outside to take her turn, she pointed towards the north and started with her "ugh. DOW." "ugh. DOW" (COW). I don't know why she grunts in front of so many of her words, but she does. It isn't very ladylike! Soooo, off we went with Grampa to check the cows "(even though he had just done it). She is so happy out there in the truck, getting up close and personal with the "DOW"s and the "DADIE DOW"s (BABY COW).

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