Thursday, 18 February 2016

Birthdays/ValentiMes Day/Family Day, all rolled into one

 Special little fart, sitting naked under a collection of balloons. Don't be fooled into thinking she ate that sandwich, there is an empty box of chocolates next to her (kid sized, at least....). Thanks to Gram for throwing such a nice party for the day. The kids played on the river, got dirty, ate cake, had balloon fights, had pizza and a ton of fun. Flora declared it the "BEST VALENTIMES DAY EVER".

 Always on an adventure. 

 These two might disappear into the woods if we don't watch them extra close! 
 She closes her eyes and truly believes we can't see her. 

 Crazy little thing. So, so, so stuck in the terrible twos right now. She gets so emotional and we can't do much for her except to let her finish her tantrum. Last night, she was up still at 9:00pm. She was crying uncontrollably so I went in to see her and she said to me, wiping away tears, "I so sad. I want Daddy to read me a (my) puppy book". The way she said she was sad, she really meant it. She is fierce as anything. Flora told me that she loves dad more than me because "you are always going to work". I tell you, my heart broke. But, on the upside, Flora told me not to worry because I am "her favorite". I told her she didn't need to choose but she insisted....

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