Sunday 28 July 2013

Heritage we come...?

A crazy day out at Heritage Park, as it only can be with this many little ones to herd. Sadly, I managed to delete the first half of the day so I am missing some nice carousel pictures! Kids loved the rides, not sure we managed to see any “heritage” aspect of the park, having to work around lunch, play, snack and ice cream!

Flora has managed to pull a pose worthy of the streets of Banff....

Wednesday 17 July 2013

Happy Birthday Gunner!

Had a lovely birthday celebration for Gunners 2nd at the farm. Nanton, Flora and Gunner had some hysterical races at the end of the party. Flora took it all very seriously but she does have two doses of parental genetic competitiveness so I am not entirely surprised! The boys were hilarious and waited until Flora set off before they came charging up behind. If she fell, they fell. If she stopped, they stopped.